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Floss and Gloss Dental (Dentistry) in Euless

Full information about Floss and Gloss Dental in Euless: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Floss and Gloss Dental on the map, description and reviews.

Dentistry in Euless

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Contact details of Floss and Gloss Dental:

505 N Industrial Blvd Suite 800, Euless, Texas (TX), 76021

(817) 409-4901

[email protected]


Floss and Gloss Dental opening hours:

Monday and Sunday: Closed, Tuesday and Friday: 9AM - 5PM, Wednesday and Thursday:10AM - 7PM, Saturday: 9AM - 4PM


Reviews about Floss and Gloss Dental:

About Floss and Gloss Dental:

Orthodontic treatment is designed to improve the look and alignment of your smile. Whether you or your loved one has crowded, crooked, spaced or misaligned teeth, we can offer orthodontic care that is specific to their needs. Orthodontic treatment is individual to the person who is having it done. We offer Invisalign as well as other treatment options to make it easier than ever to achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.

Not only is a crooked and crowded smile unsightly, but it can be detrimental to the health of your teeth as well. It can be difficult or even impossible to brush and floss around crowded teeth. This increases the likelihood that you’ll develop tooth decay as well as gingivitis and gum disease as a result of improper oral hygiene. There is no age limit when it comes to proper orthodontic care, and many adults are beginning to see the benefits of treatment.

Most patients who have less-than-perfectly aligned teeth can benefit from orthodontic treatment. We will examine your teeth to determine if orthodontics are right for you. In fact, many adult patients are beginning to come to us for orthodontic treatment or retreatment as a result of not maintaining their results from when they were a teenager. If you’re ready to enhance your smile, it’s time for you to consider the benefits of orthodontic treatment.


Dentistry nearest to Floss and Gloss Dental:

Advanced Family Dental Euless, Dentistry;    4145 Bedford Rd, Euless, TX, 76039;    (817) 354-7840

Grover William M DDS Euless, Dentistry;    908 High Creek Dr, Euless, TX, 76039;    (817) 283-3238

Moore David C DDS Euless, Dentistry;    451 Westpark Way#3, Euless, TX, 76040-3743;    (817) 283-2265